SMOK coils are essential to your SMOK vaping mechanism that turns the e-liquid into an inhalable aerosol. Unfortunately, although these small mechanisms are pretty sturdy, they are also prone to problems, including damage caused by too much heat.
When a SMOK coil becomes damaged or burnt, they lead to a bad taste or even a burnt smell. Therefore, knowing how to fix a burnt Smok coil is essential to any vaper who wants to keep their device in good working condition.
Reasons Why Your SMOK Coils Burn
SMOK coils are prone to burning out for several reasons. It can be caused by overuse, incorrect wattage setting, and even the type of e-liquid you use. Knowing how and why your coil might be burnt out is the first step in understanding how to fix it and prevent future issues.
Unmaintained coils lead to decreased performance. Uncleaned vape coils lead to reduced performance and subpar vapour production. Though vape coils tend to burn out more quickly, replacing them at the first sign of a burned sugar taste is not always necessary.
Sweetened vape liquid shortens the life of the vape coils. Most people who choose a sweet e-liquid risk having a Burnt coil smok because of its sucralose content. This sugar substitute is very potent and can make the e-liquid taste like candy. However, it leaves a sticky film known as coil junk which causes the coils to heat up to a higher temperature.
Fixing a Burnt Vape Coil
Maintaining your device by regularly cleaning its components ensures it lasts long and lives up to its full potential. For example, the first thing you should do to fix a burnt Smok coil is not to replace the entire item. Instead, you should remove the coil and submerge it in lukewarm water.
The water loosens up any e-juice residue clinging to the coil. Once soaked, switch to a cold rinse to remove any vape juice particles stuck on the coil. Allow the unit to dry completely before reinstalling it onto the vape device.
Another process of cleaning the coil is to add lemon juice or vinegar to hot water. The acid does an efficient job of removing dirt and removing the nasty burnt aftertaste. When fixing a burnt Smok coil, watch out for the o-rings and other seals before taking it out.
Paying attention to your vape and regularly cleaning its components can make all the difference in getting the most out of your vaping experience. In addition, regular maintenance and preventing the coils from being damaged beyond repair will save hundreds of dollars in the long run.
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